Open Source Tools

punctum books believes that open access publishing can only succeed in an ecosystem in which all infrastructure is open source. As long as any part of the open access production pipeline is monetizable and monopolizable, it remains vulnerable to for-profit capture.

Therefore, punctum books is dedicated to make its entire operation run on open source software. Currently, we use the following open source platforms:


Our internal processes and protocols are documented in BookStack. Documenting all our processes centrally in a wiki is part of our sustainability efforts and guarantees continuity in case one of us is sick or on the road.


We use InvoiceNinja for our billing.


LibreOffice is an open source alternative for the Microsoft Office suite.


For our internal communication we use Mattermost, an open source Slack-like chat program. We are also looking into transitioning most of our author-facing communication, currently done mostly by email, to Mattermost. Our Mattermost is open, so anyone can sign up for an account and chat with the punctum crew.

Sign up here:


We host our own cloud through Nextcloud, which harbors all our book projects and other mission-critical data. In this way we can guarantee the security of our data to our authors and supporters.


For our mailing list management we use phpList. Subscribe to our newsletter here.


For email communications punctum books uses encrypted email from open source platform Protonmail.


For metadata management and dissemination punctum books uses open source platform Thoth.